IsaMill M5000 Regrind Mill, 1500KW Motor & Gear Reducer, 4160 Volt, Spare Parts Package. Equip yourself with the gold standard.
Manufacture & Design
- Model #: M5000
- Grinding Chamber Volume: 5000 Litres
- Recommended Power: 1120 – 1500 KW
- Overall Dimensions (including motor & gearbox):
- Width: 3 m (10 ft. approx)
- Length: 17.5 m (57 ft. approx)
- Height: 3.5 m (12 ft. approx)
- Weight: 45 tonne
Components & Inclusions
- 1500 KW Motor
- 4160 Volt
- Gear Reducer
- Base Plates
- Cooling System
- Special Tools
- Spare Parts Package
History & Notes
- Purchased new in October 2007
- Originally purchased as a Model M3000 with a larger 1.5 MW Motor as opposed to standard 1.2 MW Motor.
- The additional power caused the shells to melt so the units were upgraded with a longer shaft and a larger diameter shell making it a Model M5000.
- Mill as been disassembled and is ready to inspect or ship.
Manufacturer Brochure Information
The IsaMill M5000 Regrind Mill utilises more power per unit volume than ball and tower mills. This means a small footprint, simple installation and simple maintenance.
The IsaMillâ„¢ is a horizontal, high speed stirred mill that operates with very high power intensities. This high power intensity enables the IsaMillâ„¢ to process coarse particles to ne product sizes with small media at high throughput. The result is large scale, efcient grinding for both coarse and ne particle sizes.
The IsaMillâ„¢ stirs media with rotating, rubber lined, disposable grinding discs mounted on a cantilevered shaft. The cantilevered shaft, coupled to the motor and gearbox, allows quick and simple removal of the grinding chamber to expose the mill internals for maintenance. A Liquid Resistance Starter (LRS) for the motor enables the IsaMillâ„¢ to be started under load. The feed and discharge ange and the IsaMillâ„¢ shell are rubber lined and easily maintained.