ChemGrout agitators are designed to slowly stir materials and prevent separation. The agitators are equipped with a vertical shaft and feature specially designed blades and baffles to develop a gentle mixing action, insuring a homogenous mixture. The paddle rotates at speeds up to 60 RPM. The tank bottoms are sloped toward the outlet valve so the tanks can be completely pumped out.
* as per Chemgrout brochure
Manufacture and Design
Chemgrout model CG-MIX54CF/E
Tank size: 54 cu. ft. ( 404 Gallons )
Discharge: 3″ bottom discharge
Twin mixers
Length: 6′ long
Width: 38″ wide
Height: 52″ high
Motor and Drive
(2) 1.5 HP motors
230/460 Volt
1725 RP