COVID-19 Safety Plan
Step 2 of the British Columbia Restart Plan
BC has entered Step 2 of the economic restart plan, relaxing some restrictions on travel and gatherings. Nelson Machinery & Equipment Ltd. wants to ensure that our staff and customers are safe and healthy, and have implemented the following updated safety plan for our offices.
Nelson Machinery’s COVID-19 Safety Plan
- We will maintain a working supply of soap, paper towels, sanitizers, cleaning products, and disposable gloves & masks
- Staff are to wash hands with soap & water or hand sanitizer frequently
- Staff are to use proper sneezing & coughing hygiene, and immediately wash hands and any surfaces touched
- Staff are to maintain adequate distance from co-workers, and wear gloves and/or mask if necessary.
- Staff are limited to one at a time in the kitchen, and are not to share utensils, coffee mugs, plates, etc.
- Each staff member is to wipe down shared surfaces such as printers & copiers, doorknobs, light switches, fridges, coffee makers, toilet & faucet handles, shop tools & equipment, forklift steering wheel & seats, etc.
- Exterior doors are unlocked with a notice posted outside requiring masks to enter.
- If customers or vendors come inside, staff are to maintain physical distancing and, after they have left, wipe down any surfaces they encountered.
- Staff are to use separate doors whenever possible (shop staff use the shop door, office staff use the office door, sales staff use the exterior door to their office if available)
- At the end of each day, staff must take the time to wipe down their workstations, tools, etc.
- Nonessential travel is on hold, and any necessary travel must have approval and a safety plan
- Anyone who has any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, must self-isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days as per the BC CDC website.
- anyone under the direction of the provincial health officer to self-isolate must follow those instructions.
- anyone who has arrived from outside of Canada, or who is a contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case, to self-isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms, as per the BC CDC website.
- Staff who have a contagious cold or the flu must stay home from work.