2 TPH Gold Plant with iCON i150 & Stutenroth Crusher, Invertek VFD, Eaton Soft Start, 10 HP Impactor. Equip yourself with the gold standard.
Manufacture & Design
- iCON i150 never used in production
- Only tested with one small bulk sample
- Solids Capacity: 2 Tons/hour
- Slurry Capacity: 34 USGPM (130 L/min)
- Max Particle Size: 2 mm
- Process Water Consumption: 2.6 – 8 USGPM (10 – 30 L/min)
- Capacity of Concentrate per Batch: 0.5 – 1 Kg
Components & Inclusions
- Invertek variable frequency drive (VFD)
- Eaton soft starter
- Used Stutenroth Impact Mill
- 10 HP Baldor Motor, 230/460 Volt
- Drive with Guard
- Operating Frame
Manufacturer Brochure Information
The 2 TPH iCON i150 Gravimetric Concentrator is the World famous iCON. This is a gravimetric concentrator that uses enhanced gravity (G’s) to concentrate the ‘free’ heavy minerals. It is also known as a centrifugal concentrator because of the centrifugal action of the spinning bowl. The process uses only water and an electric motor to concentrate the precious heavy minerals from a slurry.
At a capacity of 2 tons per hour solids, the iCON i150 is commonly used for:
- Hard Rock Precious Mineral Recovery
- due to the 2 tph capacity
- Exploration/Sampling
- due to the convenient size/mobility
- Artisanal Placer mining
- due to the ‘reasonable price’ and high reliability