10′ x 15′ Allis Chalmers Ball Mill, 800 HP Synchronous Motor, Dry Grind System with Steel Liners, Air Classifier. Equip yourself with the gold standard.
Manufacture & Design
- Dry Grind Ball Mill System
- Diameter: 10 ft.
- Length: 15 ft.
- Spout Feed & Grate Discharge
Components & Inclusions
- Welded Steel Shell
- Cast Steel Feed & Discharge Heads
- Steel Liners, Wave Type
- Trunnion Bearings with Babbitt Inserts
- Ring Gear, 2-piece
- Spur Type
- 20″ Face
- Pinion Gear & Shaft Assembly
- 20″ Face
- Internal Splash Type Lube System, Ring Gear & Pinion
- 800 HP Synchronous Motor
- 4160 Volt
- 200 RPM
- Magnetic Clutch with Electrical Controls
- Falk Couplings
- Sole Plates
- Gear Guards
- Bucket Elevator
- 16′ Sturtevant Air Classifer with Drive & Blower
History & Notes
- The 10′ x 15′ Allis Chalmers Ball Mill was previously used grinding phosphate
- NDT testing showed no cracks on pinion shaft, heads, or shell, and shell has even thickness
- Currently installed and on foundations
- Drawing package available with purchase