The gravity recoverable gold process plant is capable of processing P100 10 mm crushed raw ore material gold bearing ore at a feed rate of 10 TPH (design) to 15 TPH (max)
Main Plant
Single-deck screen, 2400 x 1220 mm
Falcon SB750B Concentrator
*reconditioned FLSmidth 350 KW ball mill, 2.5 x 5 m
Motor control center
Pumps, piping, and valves
Secondary Gold Recovery
Gemeni GT250 shaker table
Drying oven, 80 L
Electric smelting furnace
Crucibles and smelting tools
Water Plant
Hydrex tank, 75 m³
Tailings disposal pump
Spare Parts
Includes a set of suppliers recommended spares suitable for 1 year’s operation